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Сообщения за июль, 2018

javascript against jquery

I am programmer. I worked in programming sphere C++ C#. But recently my interests change more to Web programming - ASP.NET and PHP. I worked for about six years to develop my knowlege in WEB programming. Some sites i ushered into world of internet  . Office Partitions in Moscow(100peregorodok company) Art and Painting(site for them who wants to learn how paint ) Design and company style Real Estate Korolev(Moscow) The point i want to concern here is what is the best - working with rude jvascript or using some plugins like jquery. For most who worked with javascript and jquery the answer is clear -of course jquery. But do not do a haste. When I worked on an-gbn project I stumbled on some mystic fiture when using jquere functions. This problem apeared only in ie browser. Load an-gbn.ru and see line 740 in code. Ther will be :  //$('#descript').html(str12);  document.getElementById('descript').innerHTML = str12; Jquery function $('#descript&#