Become a Threads Insider Enjoy instant access to hundreds of exclusive how-to videos, project tutorials, and in-depth sewing content. navicenna Discover the Key to Sewing Darts and Buttonholes in Knits Minimize stretching with stabilizers. I’ve been a licensed master cosmetologist for many years. When I was in school, my instructor would always say, “When you learn how to control the hair, you can style it.” This is also true when working with certain types of fabrics, such as knits. If you can learn to stabilize the knit, you can minimize the amount of stretch to sew darts and make buttonholes that won’t wave or continue to “grow.” These techniques work best on stable knits, but you can test to see what works on others. There are many types of interfacings that can be uses as stabilizers. I have three favorites: fusible tricot, which is available several brands under the names Fusi-Knit, French Fuse, and Easy-Knit; fusible Pro-Tricot Deluxe; and the weft-inserti